If you have been referred to Fundashon Mariadal by your GP, you will receive a letter from the GP. This letter states that you must call to make an appointment. You may also be given an appointment or sent to your home address.
To the outpatient clinic
Prepare your visit to the hospital well. For example, write down what questions you want to ask and what information you want to provide. Do you have certain allergies? Then write this down in advance. You will be asked about this at the outpatient clinic. Also read our tips for your consultation with the doctor.
When you visit the outpatient clinic, you should at least take with you:
a valid ID (Sedula);
An overview of the medications you use. You can get this from your GP or pharmacy.
Are you a patient at Fundashon Mariadal for the first time? Then you must first register. This can be done at the Reception, near the main entrance of Fundashon Mariadal.
If you are making an appointment with the specialist for the first time, you must bring the following documents with you:
- A referral letter from your GP, clearly stating why you are being referred to the specialist list.
- Your sedula.
You can use these documents to contact the assistant of the specialist in question to make an appointment. Your appointment will be given to you on an appointment card, which you must have with you on each next visit. Each follow-up appointment will be made for you by the assistant after you have visited the specialist. If you come back for a consultation after 6 months or longer, you must bring a new referral letter from your GP.
Have you been to Fundashon Mariadal before, but have your details changed? Please pass these changes on to the consultation assistant.
Do you have a new mobile phone number or email address? Always report this to her.
Please note: to make an appointment, you must personally visit the assistant or you may ask someone to do this for you. No appointments will be made by phone.

Waiting times
Each specialist has a waiting period, which his assistant is aware of. This means that you cannot always go for treatment or examination immediately. In cases where the situation is urgent or life-threatening, an appointment will be made for you immediately in consultation with the specialist.
If you are unable to attend, you must cancel at least 24 hours in advance. You can do this in person with the assistant or by phone.
Course of events during your visit
You report to the assistant of the outpatient clinic at the agreed time. She will check whether your data is properly stored in your file. Afterwards, you will take a seat in the waiting room.
Bezoek aan de specialist
The specialist will try to find the cause of your complaints based on a consultation and/or a physical examination. During the first visit to the specialist, he or she will draw up an examination or treatment plan with you. Three important questions to ask your doctor are:
- What (treatment) options do I have?
- What results can I expect.
- What are the risks for me.
Feel free to ask your doctor these questions. You need this information to make a good choice.
And further?
It depends on your symptoms what the continuation of your visit will be. There are a number of possibilities:
- The specialist prescribes treatment or medication.
- Your doctor will refer you for further examination (blood test, X-ray, etc.).
- Your doctor will refer you to another specialist or caregiver.
- Your doctor advises hospitalization.
- You don’t have to come back to the hospital.
Your specialist will discuss this with you.
Tips for your conversation with the doctor
Before going to the hospital, it is advisable to prepare well for the visit to the doctor. After all, in the end, you decide for yourself – in consultation with your doctor – about your treatment. You can write down in advance which questions you want to ask and what information you want to share. Important tips and questions are listed below.
Before the conversation
- Make sure you know which doctor you are going to speak to.
- Make sure you know the purpose of your conversation with the doctor.
- Make sure you know what you want to say.
- Prepare the questions you have.
- Make sure you know which medications you are taking.
Information you want to receive
Make sure you get information about:
- what the doctor thinks is wrong with you (the diagnosis)
- the examination and/or treatment that the doctor wants to do
- the purpose of the examination and/or treatment
- the consequences and risks of the examination and/or treatment
- other examinations and/or treatments that may be considered and their consequences and risks
- when and how you will be informed of the results of the examination and/or treatment
- what you should or shouldn’t do before the examination and/or treatment
- when the examination and/or treatment will take place (the waiting period) and how long the examination and/or treatment will last
- the medicines you may need to take and what the side effects may be
- your outlook (the prognosis)
- what you may or cannot do after the examination and/or treatment and how you will feel
- what costs you have to pay yourself
- what happens if you don’t get examined and/or treated.
- Make sure you have enough time to think about the proposed research and/or treatment.
- Decide whether to consent to an examination and/or treatment and make that decision known to the doctor.
- Ask for any leaflets available (e.g. about the examination and/or treatment, the illness or about your rights as a patient).