It is important that you prepare well for your admission to hospital. Therefore, please read the information about preparations at home and the day of admission.
Preparations at home
What you should take with you to the hospital
Will you be admitted to the Sentebibu Department? Always take the following with you:
- Medical insurance policy.
- An ID (Sedula).
- Your appointment card.
- All medicines that you use in the accompanying packaging (including medicines that have not been prescribed by a doctor, such as drugstore items).
- An up-to-date overview of the medications you use. This medication overview is available from your pharmacy.
- The contact details of home care (if you already use it at home).
The admission schedule
We will determine the day and time of admission as much as possible in consultation with you. You will receive a final notification shortly before admission. Are you already receiving home care at home? Then let home care know that you will be admitted to Fundashon Mariadal and on which date. Also bring the contact details of home care to the hospital.
It may happen that a planned admission cannot take place due to force majeure. We realize that this is very annoying for you. We will let you know as soon as possible and make a new appointment with you.
Hospital stay
Your room
The nursing department have double rooms. Each room has its own bathroom with toilet. You will receive your own lockable cupboard. There is a screen near your bed with which you can watch television, make phone calls, use the internet and listen to the radio.
Daily schedule
Your stay in the hospital is all about the examination and treatment of your condition. This leads to regularly recurring activities, of which we will now give you an impression. Exact times may differ per nursing department.
- The day starts at 7:30 a.m. in the department. The day shift reads the patients’ nursing files until 7:45 a.m. The night shift transfers to the day shift.
- You will receive breakfast between 8:00 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. During the morning, the nurse will help you with your care and treatment where necessary. The nurse performs various physical checks (such as taking the temperature, counting pulse and taking blood pressure). Examinations may also be planned for you during the day.
- You can expect lunch between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.
- Further care will be provided if necessary during the afternoon and evening. In the afternoon there is of course plenty of opportunity to receive visitors. Visiting hours are in principle from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Other visiting times are possible in consultation with the nurses.
- The hot meal is delivered to the department between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
- From 10:00 p.m. we strive for peace and quiet in the department. We therefore request that you no longer use high beams, radio without earphones, television and such in your room so that your fellow patients have the opportunity to go to sleep.
The doctor who treats you may be different from the doctor at the outpatient clinic. Naturally, the doctor who treats you is aware of your situation and has all the information available.

To move
Try to keep moving as much as possible while you are admitted. For each day that you do little movement, you can lose 1 to 5% of your fitness and muscle strength. This way you recover more slowly. There is also a greater risk of complications, such as thrombosis or pneumonia.
You can easily combine exercise with daily activities in the department, such as washing, dressing, watching television or receiving visitors.
Here are some tips:
- Try to walk at least every morning, afternoon and evening. Depending on your condition, this can be in the room, on the department or even outside the department.
- If you leave the department, please report this to the nurse.
- Wear your normal clothes and comfortable shoes instead of your pajamas and slippers as much as possible during the admission.
- Try to wash and dress yourself as much as possible, preferably in the bathroom (and not in bed).
- If you are not on mandatory bed rest, try to get out of bed as much as possible.
- Do you have difficulty getting out of bed yourself? Then ask for help from the nurse or physiotherapist.
- Eat and drink as much as possible at the table and not in bed.
- Get your own coffee from the vending machine and drink it at the table.
- Walk around the department regularly.
- Walk with your visitors to the lifts to say goodbye.
Main practitioner
When you are in the hospital, you often deal with multiple practitioners, sometimes from different specialties. The practitioner is often a doctor or specialist. He is your point of contact and will come by to discuss the treatment with you (doctor’s visit). A medical specialist is always ultimately responsible for your medical treatment. This is your main practitioner. You will hear from the nurse or ward doctor who your main practitioner is. Sometimes this is stated on a sign near your bed. You can also ask them of course.
Doctor's visit
The ward doctor will visit you every day (except on weekends), together with an intern and a nurse. We call this the doctor’s visit. Sometimes the medical specialist also comes. They will then discuss further treatment with you.
Think in advance about the questions you want to ask the doctor and write them down if necessary. Make sure you stay close to your room until after the visit, so you don’t miss the doctor. The visits are at fixed times in each department.
In addition to the daily doctor’s visit, there is a weekly ‘major visit’ from a larger group of doctors and nurses. They will then evaluate your care and treatment. If you would like to speak to the ward doctor or medical specialist outside the doctor’s visit, you can say so during the visit or pass this on to the nurse.
You can receive daily visits on the departments between 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. If you feel unable to receive visitors, the nurse will inform your contact person.
For the peace of mind of the patients:
- it is more pleasant if you have no more than two people visiting at the same time. We would appreciate it if your contact person ensures that the visit is spread out.
- your visit should preferably not last longer than one hour and a half.
Due to these extended visiting hours, a doctor or nurse may pass by during visiting period. We ask your visitors to wait outside the room. Some departments have different visiting hours for practical reasons. The nurse will tell you about this.
Your name and date of birth
During admission, employees regularly ask for your name and date of birth. That’s not because they don’t know who you are, but to avoid making a mistake.
Measuring pain
It is important for doctors and nurses to know whether you are in pain. Pain is not only annoying, it can also cause problems. During admission, the nurse regularly asks you to rate your pain from 0 to 10, where 0 is no pain and 10 is the worst pain imaginable. If you are in pain, you can be given medication for this.
Measures to prevent infections
People who lay and work in a hospital carry bacteria. These bacteria and viruses can cause infections. We do our utmost best to prevent bacteria and viruses from being transmitted to other patients. There are hygiene measures, such as disinfecting hands with hand alcohol, that all hospital employees must follow.
Sometimes these general measures are not enough. Then special isolation measures are required. Then a colored card (isolation card) will be hung on your room door or by your bed. This shows hospital staff and your visitors what measures are necessary.
The department employees take your privacy into account. We ensure as much as possible that others do not see anything about your treatment. You can have a conversation with a healthcare provider in a separate room in the department.
Making mobile phone calls
Mobile phone use is permitted in the Fundashon Mariadal, except in those areas where it interferes with medical equipment or where it disturbs other people. There are or hang prohibition signs at the entrance to these areas. You are not allowed to use your mobile phone in the nursing departments. We therefore ask you to switch off your mobile phone in a nursing department.
From the department
If you do not have to lie in bed, you can also go to other places in the hospital. Interesting places for you are the central hall, the inner terraces or the blue Patio. You can also take a walk along the Chapel in our hospital. In consultation with your doctor, you can take a short walk outside in the garden. Always inform the nurses when you leave the department. Also let us know where you plan to go and what time you will be back. This is due to a planned examination or a visit from the doctor, family or acquaintances. Do not leave your valuables unattended. Take them with you or put them in your lockable wardrobe.
Weekend leave
If your situation permits, leave during weekends and public holidays is possible after consultation with the ward doctor. A weekend leave generally runs from 9:00 a.m. Saturday morning until 8:00 p.m. Sunday evening.
You may be moved to another room in the department during your admission. You will then be told this as soon as possible. We ask for your understanding.
Good information about what will happen is important before, during and after your hospital admission. The healthcare providers will therefore explain to you what is going on and what will happen. You will usually also receive information material as support, so that you can calmly read it again. It can help you to actively think and decide about your care and treatment. Do you have any questions? Ask them to the doctor or nurse. Do you need help understanding information or making decisions? Please let us know. There is always a healthcare provider who can think along with you.
Personal belongings
If you come to Fundashon Mariadal as a patient, visitor or employee, you can of course bring some of your own items. However, you remain responsible for the management of your property during your stay at Fundashon Mariadal. Fundashon Mariadal is not responsible for damage, loss or theft of property. We therefore strongly advise you to leave your valuable or special belongings at home. Only if it is established that the damage or loss was caused by careless actions of (an employee of) Fundashon Mariadal, are you eligible for reimbursement by Fundashon Mariadal.
Fundashon Mariadal takes the purchase amount and the purchase date of your property into account.